- 参考The Firefly Visual Dictionary,用纸做一架超音速客机
- 玩纸飞机,继续看The Firefly Visual Dictionary里关于飞机的部分,研究不同的机翼(我也因此学到一点,刚才有飞机飞过,抬头认出是tapered wing)
- 画火车,讲故事。他讲我写:
1. There was once a train that pulled animals on a plane.
2. The plane fly up which landed on a witch.
(他特别说明plane和train, which和witch rhyme)
3. And the two trains try to catch the plane.
4. The train was pulling a long train.
5. In the train's cab there was an engineer and a waiter.
6. The train is the zoo express that pulls zoo animals. - 叫他写华文字,他写了“五,六,日”,兴致不高。过后反而自己要写数字1-1000。
- 发现一张纸可以写到200,很兴奋的问:我要写到8000,那要多少张纸?多少天?我告诉他用8000除于200就知道了。他赶快找出他的计算机,几秒钟后就听到他哗的一声说:40天!那可是长过一个月哦!
1 comment:
hi soo hui thanks for sharing so generously...
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