Monday, July 24, 2006


Some of My Best Friends are Books: Guiding Gifted Readers from Preschool to High School (2nd Ed.)
Judith Wynn HalstedGreat Potential Press Inc., 2002

"Some children push themselves, or are pushed by their perception of the pride others take in their reading, to read whatever they can decode before they have developed the emotional readiness to comprehend. Then they may later not read a book when they are emotionally ready for it because they have already "read" it. They do not realize, of course, that it would be an entirely different experience for them at the right time........Children like Yun-Fei, especially those who know how proud their parents are of their reading ability, need guidance to help them find appropriate reading. In some cases, it seems that more than anything else, they need permission not to stretch too far-- permission to enjoy books that are appropriate for their level of emotional development."







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